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1 1/2 pounds smoked carp or about 12 slices1/2 cup candied ginger, slivered or coarsely grated1/2 tsp. rosemary3/4 tsp. dried sweet basil1/2 tsp. crushed pine nuts1/2 cup beef or fish stockParsley sprigs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place carp slices side by sidein baking dish. Combine spices and herbs with stock. Pourthe thick spiced stock onto the sliced carp.
Bake for 10 minutes. Serve hot or cold, making sure flakes ofginger accompany each portion. Garnish with parsley.
2 packages of active dry yeast1 3/4 cups warm water6 tbsp. honey7 to 8 cups (or more) unbleached white wheat flour6 small whole eggs plus one yolk2/3 cup currants, softened in warm water1 2/3 tbsp. melted butter or oil1 1/2 tsp dried rosemary1 1/2 tsp. dried basil2/3 cup finely chopped fresh parsley1 1/2 tsp. cinnamonSeveral drops green vegetable colorButter for greasing bowls and cookie sheet
Sprinkle yeast on 1/2 cup of the warm water; stir in honey.Let proof for 5 minutes.
Add remaining warm water; beat in about 2 1/2 to 3 cups offlour. Beat with wooden spoon for about 200 strokes. Coverwith damp towel, put in warm place, and allow this sponge torise for 30-45 minutes, or until doubled.
Stir down.
Beat 5 whole eggs plus one yolk. Stir in currants. Beat insalt and melted butter or oil. Mix into the dough.
In a mortar crush the dried herbs and chopped parsley to apaste. Mix in cinnamon. Add to batter and beat well. (Breadshould be a delicate green hue. If color from parsley isn'tstrong enough, add green food color - sparingly.) Add remainingflour first with a spoon, then with hands, until dough comesaway from the side of the bowl.
Turn out onto lightly floured board or marble and knead untilsmooth, shiny, and elastic, about 10-12 minutes, adding smallamounts of flour if necessary.
Place in buttered bowl; cover with damp towel. Let rise inwarm place until doubled in bulk, about 50 minutes.
Punch down. Cover; let rise again until doubled in bulk, about30 minutes. (This rise, though unnecessary, gives the bread afiner texture.)
Punch down. Turn out onto floured surface. Let rest for fiveminutes. Shape into one or two free-form curls or twists. Place on buttered cookie sheet. Cover lightly with damp toweland let rise in warm place to double, about 25 minutes.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Brush loaf or leaves withremaining whole egg, beaten. Bake for about 50 minutes, oruntil nicely browned and loaf sounds hollow when rapped on topand bottom. Cool on rack.
Serve with hard cheese, fresh butter and white wine.
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